Chloe Hunter named Young Citizen of the Year at 2018 St Edmund’s Day Awards
Chloe Hunter – aged 16 who lives in Bury St Edmunds commutes to sixth form college at Beyton .
Chloe is a Carer with Suffolk Family Carers and as a carer, Chloe’s day usually starts at 5.00am and like many Carers, Chloe survives on little more than 4 hours sleep a night.
Chloe is a second Mum to her younger brother Jonathan aged 13 who has spastic cerebral palsy and is deaf and has severe disabilities on the right side of his body.
Chloe was also completely deaf until she was five but now speaks four languages fluently – as well as sign language; is taking 4 A levels at Beyton Sixth Form College; teaches Chemistry to younger students as well as being a youth church leader and volunteering at a local care home !
Not surprisingly Chloe was nominated (by Garrie Parker) and awarded Young Citizen of the Year at this years annual St Edmund’s Day Awards.