Stowmarket Lions welcome their new President for 2019-2020. Kevin Parker took over the chain of office at the end of June and introduced his new team, which includes some who have been members of the Club for some years as well as some of the newer members. All are keen to get on with the job of providing unmatched community service in and around Stowmarket.

Lions President Kevin Parker (centre) pictured with his new team for 2019‑20. From left: Andy Manning (outgoing President), Jonathan Pearce, Tony Wass, Jonathan French, Mike Anderson, then Andrew Ward, Peter Smith, Keith Cooper, Roger Wallis, Andrew Bingham, Clive Penton and Chris Philpot.
This is Kevin’s second term as President, having previously held the office in 2014. He has also previously been Fundraising Chairman and instrumental in helping the Club achieve the milestone £1,000,000 total raised since it was formed in 1980.